Abstracts and Submissions
Information for Presenters
Submission of an abstract signifies intent to display a scientific poster during Research!Louisville. Posters must be displayed for the entire session to which assigned. Presenting authors are required to be present for the first half of the session.
To be eligible, the principal author must be a professional or graduate student, medical resident, clinical fellow, post-doctoral fellow, research staff, or faculty member at UofL or an attending physician or pharmacist of the hospitals in the Louisville Medical Center.
Individuals may submit only one abstract as the presenting (first) author. The assignment of the poster for presentation will be according to the status category of the presenting author.
All authors must have approved the abstract for submission. Author approval will be verified. Only structured abstracts will be accepted for presentation. For Each abstract must have the following sections: Background/Introduction, Hypothesis/Objective, Methods, Results, Conclusions. If statistics were used to determine significance, the statistical method must be stated and criterion for significance defined in ‘Methods’ section. The submission form will provide individual boxes for entering the text for each section. In addition, a box for acknowledging grant support will be provided. The total body of the abstract may not exceed 2,500 characters including spaces. Figures and tables are not allowed.
To submit an abstract, click on the "Submit an Abstract" tab. To enter, you must create an account using your UofL ID and Password. If you do not have a UofL username, contact hscro@louisville.edu for log-in credentials.
Abstracts will be embargoed from public access for one year, but available to the UofL community with UofL login credentials.
Medical student participants in the Summer Research Scholar Program are required to present at Research!Louisville.
All poster sessions will take place in the 1st floor lobby of the Kosair for Kids Clinical and Translational Research Building, 505 South Hancock Street. The dates for the display and presentation of posters are indicated below. Winners in the award categories will be asked to display their posters in the “winners gallery” for the remainder of the week.
- Definition of problem or hypothesis
- Appearance, graphic aids, language
- Results, interpretation, scientific quality
- Comprehension and insight
- Overall quality